Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Birthday, Bill . . . and Happy Father's Day!

Happy Birthday, Bill!

Happy Birthday, Bill!

Every once in a while (every six or seven years or so), Bill's birthday falls on Father's Day. This year, it happened that way. So today is really Bill's special day, since he gets to celebrate two events on one day! I brought him his coffee in bed, then when he got up, I gave him his gifts. Then I made breakfast (bacon, eggs, and toast) and then unfortunately he had some laundry to do. But that's about all the work that he should do today. I haven't even complained about the sports on TV!! Ha! I hope that he enjoys his day. This evening, he has requested my enchiladas for dinner, so this evening Scott, Mark and Candice, will be joining us for a birthday-slash-father's day dinner. We will have salad, enchiladas and Spanish rice. YUM!! Since Bill doesn't care much for cake, we will have vanilla ice cream, and he can have a candle in his ice cream.

Here are some pics of Bill opening his gifts. He got lots of birthday cards in the mail this past week. I gave him a father's day card, a birthday card, and several gifts. I got him a little decorative Yankees mini-locker, with a little glove, ball with Yankee logo, and batting helmet that he can put on his toolbench at work. I also gave him a Yankees watch, a Yankees beach towel, a container for his pocket change, with a digital counter on top. I also got him the Season 2 DVD set for the TV show 24. A few months ago, we watched Season 1 and got hooked. However, we haven't been watching the show during the regular season, because they're up to like Season 6, and we would be SO lost. It will be fun to have these CDs to watch during the summertime draught of good shows to watch.

Hope all you fathers have a wonderful Father's Day!

Opening Gifts . . .

Yankees watch!

Yankees mini-locker . . .

Season 2 DVD of "24"

Gee, can ya tell . . . Bill is a Yankees fan?!?!?