Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there. Especially sending good wishes to all you first time moms out there, like my friend Alicia. I remember my first mother's day -- it is so exciting! I hope your families treated you like the queens you are.
I've had a wonderful mother's day weekend, except for the fact that I'm SICK! Bleah. I hate being sick. I started coming down with it on Thursday after work. It hit me like a ton of bricks. All of a sudden, I realized I had a REALLY bad sore throat, and it got so bad I could hardly swallow Thurs. evening. Then Friday I woke up with the works -- stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, headache -- just a general case of the yucks. Saturday, I woke up and I was wheezing, coughing aching, and REALLY felt yucky, so I decided I should go to the prompt care doc-in-a-box in case I had bronchitis and needed antibiotics. I didn't want to wait until Monday if that was the case. Well, that meant that we spent nearly all morning there naturally, and he said I had the FLU. For goodness sake - the flu, in Spring. Who knew?!? He gave me some cough medicine with codeine, which I had last night and it REALLY helped me sleep. He also told me to pound the ibuprofen for the achies, and that has really helped. We went out to breakfast after the doctors, and then picked up a few things at the grocery store, then I went home and crawled into bed for the rest of the day. I woke up this morning feeling MUCH better, although I'm still really stuffy and have a phlegmy cough. Bleah. I'm just glad to be feeling better.
This morning, my oldest son Mark gave me some flowers and a gift card for Barnes and Noble for Mother's Day. That was really nice! Bill took us out to brunch at Jedediah's this morning -- yummmm!! Mark and his girlfriend Candice went with us. After brunch, Bill and I had to do some necessary errands -- a Costco run, grocery shopping, etc. After the groceries were put away, I've been just relaxing the rest of the afternoon. It's been a really nice day so far. Scott came home just a few minutes ago and wished me happy Mother's Day and gave me a hug. Bill is fixing BBQ steak, baked potatoes, fresh corn on the cob, and french bread for dinner tonight. I'm REALLY looking forward to that. Mark and Candice will be joining us, and Scott, too. Not too often all of us get to eat together, and so that is the best Mother's Day gift. Hope all you moms out there had a wonderful day.
Update on the ongoing saga of our moving situation. We are supposed to be out of this house by June 30, because that is when our lease is up. We had asked if we could be in the house for an extra week, because the tenants in the downstairs apartment we so miraculously scored weren't going to be moving out until July 1st, and the apt complex needed a week to clean it up. Well, according to the property management company that has been managing this property as a rental, the real estate agent that is handling the sale of this house really got pissed that we had asked for an extra week (no doubt she wants to get it on the market ASAP, because the sooner it sells, the sooner she gets her commission). I couldn't believe it -- all we wanted was one stinkin' week. After two years of being a wonderful tenant!! Needless to say, if we ever decide to buy a house, we won't be using THAT agent!! Apparently the real estate agent got the owner all riled up over the whole thing, and so the gal at the property management company is trying to smooth everything out. Bill and I finally just decided that we'd just move out of the house on June 30th regardless of whether or not the apt. is ready, and we can live in the local Residence Inn for up to two weeks (that's how long our money will hold out!!) if we have to. The Residence Inn has one-bedroom suites with kitchenettes, and we can just put all our stuff in storage and live in the hotel for a week or two. Phooey on them -- after all, we've been great tenants and haven't given the owner any trouble. I can't believe they wouldn't give us an extra week, but whatever.
Also, to add fuel to the fire, the apt. complex called and didn't want to let us have that apartment, because it is so up in the air when the apartment will be ready. Unfortunately, the tenants in the apt. are building a house, so it is always iffy as to when the house will REALLY be ready for them to move in. It possibly could be two weeks early, and it could be two weeks later. Heck, in reality, it might not be until Aug 1st that their house is ready. In that case, we could really be in some trouble if we had to live in the hotel for a month. The apt. complex didn't want to put us in that apartment because of it being so up in the air, but we begged them to let us have it. We said we wanted it so bad, we'd be ready to begin paying rent on it next week if we had to, and we'd figure out a way to make it work if we couldn't get into it until late July. Anything after that is definitely going to be a problem, unless we can get our deposit back from our house by mid-July, then we could use that money to live in the hotel for the last two weeks of July. We want that apartment so bad, if there is any way at all that we can get into this place, it would be just perfect. We'll have to see how it plays out, but right now it looks like we will be definitely moving out as of June 30th if not before, with the possibility of living at the Residence Inn for a week or two.
Actually, living at the Residence Inn for a couple of weeks doesn't sound too bad! They change and wash your sheets and towels, and do all the housecleaning, to boot! We can run the a/c as much as we want and be comfortable in the hottest month of the year on their dime! Not too bad for $79 a night. Expensive, but fun!!
Here's a couple of pics of the Residence Inn. It's really nice!
This is a pic of the studio -- they didn't have any pics of the one bedroom suite online:
Here is the kitchenette. It comes fully stocked, and even has a dishwasher! All we'd have to take with us is our clothes and toiletries. It comes with a coffeemaker and iron and ironing board, too.
So, if we have to be "homeless" for a couple of weeks, not a bad way to go. We can just take the rent money we'd normally pay on this house for a month, and stay here for a couple of weeks. We'll keep you posted!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day!
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5:01 PM
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