A couple months ago, I won tickets to see John Mayer in concert at the Marysville Amphitheater. Bill didn't want to go, so I invited my friend Linda, and we had a blast!! What a fantastic show he put on. John is quite an accomplished guitarist -- I had no idea!! I mean, he is Jimmie Hendrix good. WOW!!
And you can't beat free, I tell ya! The tickets I won were lawn seats, and when we got there we went up to the booth to rent a couple of lawn chairs (they require a specific kind). When we got up to the booth, the gal had a stack of tickets in her hand, and she said, "How would you ladies like to be upgraded to seats?" We're like, "Real seats?!?!? Absolutely!!!!!!!" So we had great seats and it really made our evening.
Here's a slideshow of the concert:
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
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