Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Happy Birthday to me!

Well, Tuesday was my birthday, and boy was I spoiled! When I woke up Tuesday morning, Bill gave me my gift and a beautiful card. My gift was three of the books I'd been asking for, so I was really excited about that! Then, when I went through Dutch Bros. on the way to work, they gave me a free large Freeze for my b-day!! Yayy!!

Then, when I got to work, the door to my office was closed! I thought . . . uh oh!! And boy, was I right! I don't have any pictures, but when I get them sent to me I'll post them. Holy cow! There was a big giant plastic blow-up cake on my desk! It must be nearly 5' tall. And there was a big happy birthday sign on the outside AND inside of my office. Plus streamers, and a big bouquet of balloons! Wowzers!! And this birthday wasn't even the BIG one!! LOL Then there were three birthday cards on my desk and a gift! One card was from Bud, my old boss, and inside his card was a $25 gift certificate to Barnes & Noble, my favorite!!! Another gift and card was from Tracey and the gift was some beautiful earrings!

Then, at lunch time, my friend Linda at work treated me to lunch at Chili's -- YUM!!! Then when I got back from lunch, a beautiful bouquet of flowers was delivered from my wonderful husband!! Wow I was so excited!!! They are really beautiful, and I am SO spoiled!! :-))

Then, they had a cake for me, and a big card signed by everyone in the office. They sang happy birthday to me (that's embarrassing) and we all had cake. YUM. Then, when I got home from work, Bill took me out to a birthday dinner at Italian Cottage, where I got a free Elmer's sunday for my b-day!! (I was SO stuffed from all that food during the day, that we didn't go to dinner until 7:00!!) Man, I think I gained 6 lbs. yesterday!

Oh, and when I got home from work, Bill gave me a gift that my friend Christine sent home with him to give me, and it was a really darling card, and a bookmark and chocolate bar, along with a $20 gift card to Barnes & Noble!! Gee, do people know me, or what?!? And that's perfect, because there's a book by one of my favorite authors -- Diane Mott Davidson -- who released a new book on Aug. 21st (my birthday!) and I plan to purchase it with one of my gift certificates! Yayy!!

(p.s. this was my 49th birthday -- I'm telling you that, because I am not going to count anymore after this one. I'll have birthdays; however, I won't be counting them. It's 49 and holding for me from now on . . . YIKES!!!!!)

Well, I need to get to bed. Goodnight to all!