Sunday, October 15, 2006

Something about nothing

Well, its Sunday afternoon, and I have nothing to report! We have had a very lazy weekend after a very crazy week at work. Bill ended up working until 10:00 one night -- I think it was Wednesday. Poor guy; he was exhausted! The nice thing is the 6 hours or overtime! The most constructive thing we did this weekend was a Costco run and grocery shopping!

Friday night, Bill took me out to dinner, and we decided to go to Hometown Buffet! It was nice to not have to cook and clean up -- a nice treat on a Friday night. It was really crowded. Afterwards, we decided to make our Costco run, since it is right across the street from Hometown. Barnes and Noble is right next door, and I could feel it pulling me in . . . but spending time in a B&N is about as exciting for Bill as watching paint dry . . . so . . . I will go to B&N another time. I just love it in there -- all those books, and that wonderful coffee smell.

Yesterday, we went grocery shopping, came home and put food away and Bill mowed the lawn. We napped, I read my book and basically was a lazy slug the rest of the day. This mornning, more of the same. Bill is upstairs studying (he has an online class to complete for work) and I cooked breakfast (bacon & eggs) and started a crock pot dish for dinner tonight. It smells so good! Then I parked myself on the couch and have been a couch potato all afternoon. Its almost 3:00 p.m. and I feel a nap calling my name. I loved raising my children, but one of the wonderful things about having grown children, is that I have so much more time to myself! I am so glad to be done with that part of my life and look forward to more grandchildren!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful week at work and enjoy this beautiful fall weather we've been having! Isn't it wonderful?!?